Carrion Swarm damage rescaled from 100/175/250/300 to 75/150/225/300
Exorcism cooldown increased from 135 to 145

Naga Siren
Song of the Siren cast point increased from 0.65 to 0.8 seconds

Guardian Angel no longer provides HP Regeneration

Eye of the Storm Scepter interval increased from 0.55/0.45/0.35 to 0.6/0.5/0.4
Static Link cooldown increased from 25 to 32/30/28/26

Mystic Flare damage is now dealt over 2.4 seconds instead of 2.2 seconds
Ancient Seal cooldown increased from 11 to 14

Haunt illusion outgoing damage decreased from 40% to 30%
Spectre movement speed reduced from 295 to 290

Metamorphosis movement speed reduced from 315 to 290
Conjure Image incoming damage increased from 300% to 425%
Sunder no longer interrupts the target
Sunder cast range increased from 250 to 325

Flaming Fists damage type changed from Magical to Pure (pierces Spell Immunity)
Flaming Fists damage reduced from 100/150/200 to 80/115/150
DotA-related bug fixes
No issues for you!
It’s time to fix the old broken Phase boots and reinvent them with better Phasing. Now all bashes and critical strikes work in phase state. The only issue here is red numbers, which will show post-reduction damage values instead of pre-reduction – phased criticals will look less impressive but will be just as effective.
Rubick becomes stronger (again)
Rubick can now steal Spirits, Trueshot aura and Refraction. More powerful, less vulnerable – perfect embodiment for the greatest wizard!

Fixed Broodmother’s pathing inside webs – now it’s flying

Devour can now be learned while devouring creep (Learning skill ID for custom keys: [A35D])

Chain Frost no longer provides the primary target with 0.01 seconds of invulnerability

Lone Druid
Fixed Spirit bear’s items being active near fountains

Nature’s Prophet
Wrath of Nature no longer reveals caster in fog of war

Fire Spirits can now be learned while the skill is active, before the spirits are released (Learning skill ID for custom keys: [A35E])

Pit Lord
Fixed Pit of Malice not triggering on units under some conditions

Fixed stolen Unstable Concoction still blowing up if another spell was stolen while brewing

Templar Assassin
Refraction now blocks damage properly when taking multiple damage instances at the same time, using only 1 charge
Refraction now blocks damage without interrupting Dagger

Trushot aura now affects Familiars if they are nearby

Twin Head Dragon
Jakiro can autocast Liquid Fire
Fixed Unstable Current triggering on Liquid Fire cast
Fixed Ice Path not triggering on units after Eul’s ending

Fixed Poison Sting dealing less damage than stated (3/5/7/12 instead of 5/10/15/20)
Fixed Poison Sting being prolonged by Plague wards, now they place their own debuff which doesn’t affect unit while Poison sting from hero still applied
Fixed Poison Sting preventing targets from using Dagger

Fixed Relocate timer being visible to enemy
Spirits can now be learned while the spirits are still alive (Learning skill ID for custom keys: [A35G])

Black King Bar
BKB can now be sold

New effect for Blademail with instant birth time

A single player cannot buy more than 2 couriers anymore. Dead couriers still count.
Sand King, Lanaya and Alchemist have new visual effects
A few heroes’ spells also received altered animations
Double Hold now prevents unit from autoattacking – he will only reliate to enemies who attacked him
Camera height no longer will be trashed by random mouse wheel moving, unless default height specified (1650)
Final & Oberver multiboard now shows Exp per minute (XPM) of players
Bug fixes

Fixed Holy Persuation tooltip & targeting

Crystal Maiden
Frostbite now disarms flying units as well (they were able to attack before)

Fixed Doom sometimes lasting forever
Fixed Devour bug with Centaur Khan

Fixed Burning spears being active under Silence effects

Fixed various issues with Chaos Meteor

Fixed Infestation killing the unit all the time, now it only will kill it if it’s an enemy unit or Mind control was used

Fixed Meepo causing lag

Phatom Lancer
Fixed Linken’s Sphere iteraction with Phantom Rush
Fixed Phantom Rush tooltip showing wrong level

Fixed Rot turning off upon Meat hook cast

Fixed Linken’s Sphere iteraction with Charge of darkness
Fixed Empowering Haste toggling icon showing wrong level

Fixed Chakram’s disarm lasting through death
Fixed Whirling Death icon being permanent

Fixed Spectre having flying vision on Dagger
Fixed bug where Spectre could stay flying
Fixed Spectre and land mines iteraction

Fixed Eyes in the Forest blocking neutral camps

Fixed Chronosphere charging Magic sticks

Fixed Couriers being unable to use their abilities or respawn

Crimson Guard
Fixed Crimson guard recipe being clickable
Fixed Side shops’ hotkey stacking issues (Blades of attack [A] -> [S]; Magic Stick [M] -> [C])
Circle of power has a new model to improve perfomance on Fountain areas
Game options have new icons
In Single player all incoming damage is now shown
Fixed not being able to pick up a leaver’s items if disablehelp was active
Fixed new trees not being recognized by some skills
Fixed Glyph issues for Scourge side
Fixed Scourge’s ancient creeps spawn point
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